Why leave your doggy alone in the house when he can go to kindergarten every day ? We offer green spaces and large indoor rooms equipped with air conditioning and sound.
Even if they work from home, many people have made the decision to send their furries to kindergarten so that they can focus on work, without neglecting their need for exercise and play.
Socialization in kindergarten is different from the one that is done in parks and dog pens because in those spaces there are dogs with different temperaments, who are more or less educated, with companions who are not always attentive or do not have the necessary knowledge to intervene in the case of misunderstandings that may occur and there is always a risk of being left with psychological trauma or even physical injuries as a result of these uncontrolled interactions.
Here at Zen Pet Club kindergarten safety comes first and providing a setting in which doggies feel comfortable is essential for us.
Feeding is provided at the indicated times.
• să fie sociabil cu oamenii și cu toți blănoșii de talia lui, indiferent de rasă sau sex
• să aibă schemă completă de vaccinare și deparazitarile (intern și extern) în termen
• vaccinul împotriva tusei de canisă făcut cu minim 14 zile înainte de ziua venirii la grădiniță, dacă nu are deja unul în termen.
• dacă este o femelă nesterilizata, nu poate veni în perioada ciclului menstrual sau în preajma acestuia.
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 7 AM
1 day access - 55 lei
10 entries – 495 lei (membership valid for one month)
15 entries - 725 lei (membership valid for one month)
30 entries– 1400 lei (membership valid for two months)
2 furries from the same owner:
1 entry - 95 lei
10 entries - 855 lei (membership valid for one month)
15 entries - 1250 lei (membership valid for one month)
30 entries - 2400 lei (membership valid for two months)
* Memberships are valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. Uncompleted entries are non-transferable/refundable. Memberships are paid in full.
Reservations are made by phone at: 0770.583.776 or by email at: contact@zenpetclub.ro
*For an additional fee of 40 lei/day, the furry can rest in an individual room.
Zen Pet Club is a permanent space supervised by qualified personnel.
Kindergarten facilities:
We are at your disposal and we look forward to meeting you and walking alongside your pup in the Zen Pet Club® realm.